Friday, March 4, 2011

Woodstove Installed

   We recently had a wood stove installed. Boy, have we been happy with it. My father has blessed us with three or four cords of dry wood. In exchange for the dry wood my husband had rock delivered to my parents home, and he leveled their driveway. Money is never accepted in our family so we bless each other with gifts.                  

Within less than a month of wood stove use our PUD bill lowered 30.00 for that billing cycle. Last February, no kidding our bill was over 300.00! This February our bill was below 200.00!

   Other things we changed to help with the electrical expenses were that we changed our light bulbs out from 65w bulbs in each can light to bulbs that only burn 5w per bulb. Also we made some adjustments to the heat pump that have to do with the strip heat. We haven't noticed any changes in the home but have noticed a drastic lowering in our PUD bill.

In billing cycle number 2 (a whole month of wood heat) our bill was down almost another 30.00.

So far we are looking at between 30.00-60.00 a month savings by using wood heat from solely using the electric heat pump.

Buck 21 Made in America Wood stove with blower.
Natural Slate Pad with Cherry stained riser to go
with wood flooring.
We are going to put up a natural slate surround with some sort of mantel somewhere down the road to make our wood stove area complete.